Leading and motivating employees in the home office - Acting together in a customer-centric way

Versicherungsmitarbeitende im Homeoffice führen und motivieren – Gemeinsam kundenzentriert handeln
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Leading virtual / hybrid teams


Total time 70 minutes

When employees work in a home office, some challenges arise when leading "at a distance". The e⁠-⁠training provides participants with tips on how to build trust, achieve good team results, resolve conflicts and develop and motivate their staff.


Target group

  • Managers in the distribution of insurance products

Learning objectives

  • Overcoming challenges in leading at a distance to ensure the quality of client advice even from the home office

  • Build and maintain trust with employees in the home office

  • Ensure results at a distance

  • Resolving conflicts at a distance

  • Developing employees in the home office

  • Motivating employees in the home office


Resolving conflicts
Supporting employees
Motivating employees
Managing teams
Building trust
Showing caution
Being reliable

Authoring tool



Animated illustrative videos
Enacted scenes
Transfer tasks
Key messages
Knowledge Check
Interactive elements
Moderated video lectures
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